Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Harvard Computer Society AI Summer Bootcamp?

The AI Bootcamp, Summer Session, is a 5-day intensive educational program designed for high school students. It is developed and taught by top-tier Harvard graduate level researchers and undergraduates, providing participants with a unique opportunity to delve into the latest developments in AI and machine learning. The Summer Session is designed to be accessible to high school students with strong mathematical background.

When and where does the program take place?

The program will be held online through Zoom, and will run from August 26th to 30th. Other cohorts have been filled or are no longer available at this time.

Who is eligible to apply for the Bootcamp?

The bootcamp is open to high school students with strong mathematical skills, preferably including experience with calculus. Proficiency in Python programming is a requirement. Exceptions for younger or older students may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What is the application process?

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until seats are filled. After the July 25 standard deadline, subsequent applications will be subject to Final Priority pricing until the application closes.

What are the two tracks available in the Summer Bootcamp?

Introductory Track: suitable for students with a good grasp of Python and mathematical reasoning, even if they have no prior experiences in AI/ML.

Advanced Track: suitable for students comfortable with AI/ML or PyTorch and will focus on cutting-edge independent research projects.

Certificates and Recognition

What certificates will participants receive?

Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion upon successfully finishing the program. Additionally, outstanding participants may be eligible for a Certificate of Honor or a Certificate of Distinction to recognize their achievements.


How have previous students received the program?

Based on internal feedback, previous students have rated the program 4.6/5 on 56 reviews, with 97% indicating high satisfaction/would recommend to peer.

How can I contact the organizers if I have more questions?

You can contact us via email for any inquiries or concerns not covered in this FAQ.

Program Content

What topics will be covered during the boot camp?

The bootcamp covers the latest developments in generative AI, AI/ML research, and offers participants the opportunity to work on their own mini-research project. Detailed information about the curriculum can be found on our schedule.

How is the program structured?

The program includes a mix of lectures, hands-on coding exercises, group projects, and mentorship from Harvard graduate-level researchers and undergraduates. You’ll have the chance to explore AI research at Harvard and build your skills.


How much does the program cost?

Regular pricing is $595, and Final Priority pricing is $795.

When do applications open and close?

Applications close on August 20. Applications after the standard deadline, July 25, will be subject to Final Priority pricing.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payments via Stripe, which provides secure and convenient processing for online transactions. All major credit cards are accepted. For other payment methods, please contact us at

What is the payment schedule?

Full payment for the program will be due 5 days after notification of acceptance to secure a position, except when notified in the decision otherwise.

What is your refund policy?

We aim to provide satisfactory services for all students. Full refunds will be provided for requests received no later than two weeks prior to the start of the program. We address refunds by case, please reach out to should questions or concerns arise. We will seek to be generous where possible.

Can I request financial assistance or scholarships?

Financial aid is provided to a limited number of students. If you would like to apply for financial aid, please email us after filling out the form. Please note that financial aid will be reviewed on a need-basis, first come first served, and you should file your inquiry at your earliest convenience following your application submission.

What is your referral policy?

We encourage collaborative learning with friends and/or peers. If you refer another student and they include your name in the application, both will receive a referral discount of $100 on the program fee, subject to application acceptance and enrollment.